Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A New Year!

So, magically, 2014 is here.

The air seems colder (it is) and the sun feels warmer (it isn't).

This year is going to bring a lot of change for my little family.
  • First up, A goes back to 2nd grade on Thursday. Which is tomorrow. 
  • Then I am going to spend my Friday night with two wonderful gals that I have come to adore and love. They understand my thoughts before I can really say them. I'm so grateful for these two ladies and I will miss them dearly when we move. 
  • Next up will be Christian going back to college for his last semester. With his schedule, I will be working nights (which really translates into "evenings" because I'm not working OVERnights) and I am not very excited about that. Especially since this means that I will be driving home in the dead of the night in the middle of winter on one of the worst roads. Paranoia, activate!
  • Shortly after, I will be turning 26! -insert sarcastic gasp of horror at my old age-
  • Then Christian and I will have a night out with some friends. We're super stoked about that.
  • Then we have Miss A's EIGHTH birthday and birthday party. I'm totes magotes in denial about that one!
  • Valentine's Day.
  • Christian's 29th birthday! -insert real gasp of horror at his old age-
  • Dabbled in there, once a week, I will be seeing a physical therapist to (hopefully) help with my tension and cluster migraines. This, in turn, will help with my overall health.
  • After all of that, there will be more extended family birthdays, holidays, meetings, nights out, doctor appointments, phone calls for planning, laughs, cries, and a full range of crazy emotions.
  • Christian will graduate college (for the SECOND time!) in May, A will finish up second grade in early June, we'll stick around through early-mid June for birthdays and then we will be packed up and moving to Alabammy!
  • After that, who knows what will be happening for us! I know, for sure, a lot of visiting folks in the south, a lot of trips to the beach, trips to North Carolina to see my mom and her side of the family along with a best friend and her family in Charlotte, trips to the beaches in the Carolinas, and some serious relationship bonding with my little family. We'll be busy finding a place to live, jobs to interview for, and getting everything geared up for A to be a third grader and Miss C should be starting kindergarten, hopefully!

Either way, 2014 will be a very busy year for us. We have direct goals and plans in place and nothing will stop us from getting there!

How do you think your 2014 will shape up?


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