Thursday, April 5, 2012


I've been aiding my husband in his HTML/CSS class for his final project. He's making a mock website for me.:]

I'm learning a lot and I've learned that I REALLY want my own website/blog. I've been interested, but not ready to make any other commitments. Marriage and moving my life across the United States was enough for me. But I do want to be able to dedicate so much time in each day to make that website/blog great. So in the spirit of bettering myself, I've decided to full-on learn time management! Yay!

Along with time management comes a plethora of other adult-y, grown-up, responsible things. I think it's high time that I start for real being a mother and wife. I've been slacking lately, to put it modestly. 

And you know how you get just really excited about something and you do so great to begin with and then sooner, rather than later, you notice that you've completely fallen off of the bandwagon again.

Yeah. Exactly.

But hopefully, this time management crap will help.

(I sound so confident...don't I?!)


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